Theorie der Parallel-Linien
Year of Conception: ?
Year of Writing: September 1766
Year of Publication: 1786
Subject: Geometry
Publication: Theorie der Parallel-Linien. Leipziger Magazin für reine und angewandte Mathematik, Band I, 137-164. Fortsetzung der Parallel-Linien. Leipziger Magazin für reine und angewandte Mathematik, Band I, 325-358.(3)

Reprinted in: F. Engel and P. Stäckel (eds.), Urkunden zur Geschichte der Nichteuklidischen Geometrie, Leipzig, 1895, 152-208.(3)

Lambert's famous essay on the parallel postulate. He assumes variants of the postulate (there
is no resp. infinitely many parallel(s)) and tries to deduce a
contradiction. Even after many deductions Lambert is unable to find a
contradiction, but has on the contrary derived many qualities and
theorems that suggest other geometries, one that resembles spherical
geometry (elliptic geometry) and one that seems to be on an "imaginary
sphere" (hyperbolic geometry).
Reviews: ADB 1786, 174-175 and 468-469(6)