Johann Heinrich Lambert: Biography
A Summary Overview of Lambert's Life (1728-1777)August 26, 1728
Lambert is born in Mülhausen (Alsace)

Secretary of J.R. Iselin in Basel

Hofmeister (private tutor) of the children of Graf Peter von Salis in Chur (CH)
- 1752: Lambert begins his Monatsbuch
, first scientific papers
- 1755: First scientific publication
- 1756: Accompanies the children von Salis on a Bildungs-tour through Europa.
Academic tour through Europe (with the Salis children)
- 1756: Göttingen, acquaintance with A.G. Kästner, Tobias Mayer
- 1757-8: Holland, acquantaince with Petrus Muschenbroek
- 1759: Paris, acquaintance with d'Alembert, Messier
- 1759: South of France (Marseille, Nice), North of Italy (Turin, Milan)
Back in Chur and Basel
Augsburg, acquaintace with G.F. Brander
Founding member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Munich

Member of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin
- 1764: Lambert becomes member of the Berlin Academy on the recommendation of Sulzer (and a little help from Euler)
- 1766: Euler leaves Berlin and Lagrange comes to Berlin to become Director of the Mathematical Class
- 1770: Beginning of Lambert's mathematical tables project
- 1773: Beginning of Lambert's astronomical tables project and of the reformation of the Ephemeriden
Lambert dies in Berlin
Biographical Sources on Lambert's Life
J.E. Bode, Preface to the Astronomisches Jahrbuch oder Ephemeriden für das Jahr 1779

S. Formey, Nouveaux Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres, 1778, pp. 72-90.

Chr. Lichtenberg, Teutscher Merkur, 1777, pp.259-278

M. Graf (1829), Johann Heinrich Lamberts Leben.