Sammlung astronomischer Tafeln
Year of Conception: November 1774
Year of Writing: 1775-1776
Year of Publication: 1776
Subject: Astronomy, Astronomical Tables
Publication: Sammlung astronomischer Tafeln, unter Aufsicht der königlich-preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin, 3 Bände. (zusammen mit Lagrange, Bode und Schulz)
Band 1(3)

Three volumes of astronomical tables,
collated, compared, recalculated and enhanced from existing tables.
These volumes were meant as the summa of existing astronomical tables
around 1775, and allowed for individual astronomers to posses all
necessary tables without having to ruin them in buying countless other
books. It goes back to a proposal that Lambert presented to the Academy
November 1774.
These volumes and this project is similar in spirit to the one on mathematical tables that Lambert started up in 1770 with his Zusätze. The main difference was that the astronomical table project was sponsored by the Academy, the mathematical table project was a project running on volontary contributions.
These volumes and this project is similar in spirit to the one on mathematical tables that Lambert started up in 1770 with his Zusätze. The main difference was that the astronomical table project was sponsored by the Academy, the mathematical table project was a project running on volontary contributions.
Reviews: ADB 1776, 509-511(6)