Solution générale et absolue du problème de trois corps, moyennant des suites infinies
Year of Conception: 1767
Year of Writing: February 1767
Year of Publication: 1767/1769
Subject: Physics, Astronomy
Solution générale et absolue du problème de trois corps, moyennant des suites infinies. Mémoires de l'Académie royale des sciences de Berlin, année 1767/1769, 353-364.(1)

Lambert shows that one can solve the
classic three body problem by the use of infinite series. This allows
numerical approximations, but Lambert notes that nearly nothing in the
problem (except for the classic easier cases) allows for shortcuts in
these calculations. More even, approximations of neighboured stretches
of the
orbit to be calculated may even require different approximation series,
so as to render even tables more or less useless or at least rather
Reviews: ADB 1770, 195(6)