Cosmologische Briefe über die Einrichtung des Weltbaues
Year of Conception: June 1760
Year of Writing: 1760
Year of Publication: 1761
Subject: Philosophy, Astronomy
Publication: Cosmologische Briefe über die Einrichtung des Weltbaues. Augsburg, 1761.(2)

Translations: Lettes Cosmologiques sur l'organisation de l'univers, ecrites en 1761 par J.H. Lambert, traduites de l'allemand par Mr. Darquier. (1770) Second augmented edition par J.M.C. d'Utenhove, Amsterdam: Hulst, 1801.(7)

The System of the world, by M. Lambert. Translated from the French by James Jacque. London: Vernor and Hood, 1800.(3)

In the form of a dialogue, Lambert
takes up various issues in cosmology, explaining known things in a
simple, popular way, and forwarding a set of more general cosmological
speculations. The best-known of these is the idea that the stars around
us also revolve around a fixed point, and their they are part of a
milky way - the idea later known as the Kant-Laplace universe.
Reviews: GGA 1761, 211-213(4)