Observationes meteorologicae curiae Rhaetorum habitae, una cum variis in eas animadversionibus
Year of Conception: October 1755
Year of Writing: June 1757
Year of Publication: 1758
Subject: Meteorology
Publication: Observationes meteorologicae curiae Rhaetorum habitae, una cum variis in eas animadversionibus. Acta Helveticae physico-mathematico-anatomico-botanico-medica, Band III, 321-365.(3)

This treatise contains Lambert's
meteorological observations made in Chur during the years 1755-1756.
The measuring instruments employed are a barometer, a hygrometer and a
thermometer. Lambert's meteorological interests, pursued throughout his
scientific carreer, were originally stimulated by a correspondence with
Daniel Bernoulli and most probably by reading Petrus van
Musschenbroek's work.
Reviews: GGA 1758, 1399-1402(4)